The first week of October we begin accepting nominations for families in need to be participants in our program.
Our admins screen each incoming nomination for eligibility.
Families must meet certain criteria to be eligible for our program. If the family is found to be eligible, an Admin will reach out to them to inform them they have been nominated to be a Christmas Angels family, and are asked if they would like to participate in our program.
There are never any obligations on the part of the nominated family to participate in our program.​
When the family accepts and agrees to participate we assign them a family number to keep their identity anonymous through the rest of the process.
We then send the family an intake form and collect demographic information and a list of "wants" and "needs" for each child under age 18 in the household.
"Wants" are what we call "Santa list" items - items the child has been asking for.
"Needs" are just that - items the child is in need of (ex: hats, gloves, boots, coat, snowpants, clothes, etc).
We also ask the family to provide us one "family need" - one collective item or service assistance to benefit the household as a whole.
Shopping Day: this happens around the end of November. We take our lists and a handful of volunteers and head to Walmart. Each volunteer is given a family number with the list of their 'wants' and 'needs', and a budget to stay within when purchasing these items. We do our best to buy as many items for all the family members as we can.
This is wholly dependent on our fundraising for the year, and how many businesses/individuals adopt families. Please visit the "HOW YOU CAN HELP" section!
Wrapping Day: Wrapping day is where our volunteers gather to wrap all the gifts both purchased and donated. We keep gifts organized by labeling them with the family number to keep the families identities anonymous.
Each family will also receive a $100 grocery gift card so every family has the ability to cook a holiday meal.
The delivery process will be changing for 2025.
The concept of Christmas Angels is essentially how it sounds. The philosophy that angels are watching over us, guiding us, and providing for us. As such, we operate primarily on a referral basis. When nominations are opened, we encourage community members to nominate families who have experienced unforeseen circumstances that have impacted their ability to provide a happy and relaxing Christmas for themselves and their family. This could be for any reason - perhaps a severe medical diagnosis which has resulted in substantial medical bills and loss of employment, an accident, a general decline of health, a change in family circumstance...whatever the need might be, we want to recognize those families who work hard, and deserve an extra amount of grace and love so they can have a truly enjoyable Christmas.​​​